[Release] Farmville 2 - "Free" Farm Bucks Items[Intermediate]

Already posted it here, but I figured I'd make my own thread for it. And make a proper tutorial that doesn't make your brain hurt.

This Cheat changes items that cost Farm Bucks into items that cost Coins.
For a technical explanation for the people that want to learn: Every item price has 16 (important) bytes. PRICE-PRICE-EMPTY-TYPE. That meaning, first the price in 4 bytes at the front, then it repeats that, which makes it really easy to find your specific item price. After that it has 4 00's, making it even easier to find. And finally the type, that says it's either a cash item or a coin item. This specific value is not constant and changes every time you load the game. That's why I made this tutorial to find both cash and coin values, which then you change cash to the coin value.

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1. Do an Array of Bytes scan with: 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00
Add the results to the list. Shouldn't be more than 2 or 3

2. Do another AoB scan with: 29 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Again add results to list, should still be 2 or 3

3. Select all the addresses in your list, change the address type length (alt+enter) from 12 characters to 16.
You should end up with values something like this. The bold colored part will be different for you!
40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 88 A6 9A 0D (Coins)
29 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 A6 9A 0D (Cash)
Either write down the last bold underlined part or keep these in your address list, be sure not to change them in the coming steps!

If you have more than 4 addresses ignore the ones that end with 00 00 00 00. Or just remove them.

4. Do another AoB scan with the last past of the value from the last address you added, A0 A6 9A 0D in my case.
Add all results (should be around 500) to the list.

5. Select and change all values you added with the last scan, to what's on the last part of the first address in your list, which is what you scanned for in step 1.
In my case, changing everything from A0 A6 9A 0D to 88 A6 9A 0D

6. Enjoy paying coins for items that usually cost Farm Bucks

Known bugs:
You can instantly expand the 100 Farm Bucks lands without refreshing! (Selecting them alone will unlock them, look out!)
Your Farm Bucks will display the same amount as your Coins. This has no effect on your game.
You can virtually hire people for clearing obstructions and finishing buildings but this WILL crash your game!
You can't buy helpers or Halloween candy items, this will be displayed as -1. I have not yet found a way AROUND this, but for some reason I do have 3 teddy sheeps in my inventory while screwing around, SO IT IS POSSIBLE!

I haven't tested everything else yet.

Happy Cheating!

Credits to my father for getting me addicted to FV2, Thanks dad. |:
Credits to pwnthis for bringing me here.
Credits to MaouKami for reminding me how much easier it is to work with AoB's

New stuff!
Free Candy Items

I'm not sure how long this will last, seeing Halloween is almost over, but have this simple cheat table script that makes candy items cost 0. All you need to do is attach it to the right process and enable the script!

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